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이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.


  • 01

    Reservation Information

  • 02

    Enter Information

  • 03

    Registration Completed

예약 회차 목록

예약 회차 및 시간에 대한 표이며 회차, 시간, 주중, 주말, 예약 가능 시간을 안내
Session Time Weekdays Weekend Available Time
Reservation On-site reservation
1 10:10-11:00 Group visit(1Group, 20-50 people) Individual visit: 50 people 7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 10:00~10:40
2 11:10-12:00 Individual visit reservation: 50 people

*Advance reservations must be within 20 minutes of the entry time
If not entered, the reservation will be canceled.

7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 10:40~11:40
3 12:30-13:20 7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 12:00~13:00
4 13:30-14:20 7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 13:00~14:00
5 14:30-15:20 7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 14:00~15:00
6 15:50-16:40 7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 15:20~16:20
7 16:50-17:40 7 days before 00:00 ~ One day before 23:59:59 Same day 16:20~17:20

Information for Use

  • Maximum number of people per reservation: Up to 4 people, including the guardian.

    • - Maximum number of visitors per session: 50 people.
  • Only one reservation per day is allowed.

  • Length : 50 minutes.

Reservation Methods

  • First-come, first-served online reservation(24:00)

    • - All reservations must be entered within 20 minutes, otherwise, the reservation will be canceled.
  • On-site Reservation: Remaining online reservation spots + no-show spots.

    • - If there are no remaining spots or no-shows, on-site reservations will not be available.
    • - Please note that on-site reservations may close early due to high demand.

Entry Information

  • You can visit for free after making an advance online reservation or an on-site reservation on the day.

  • Entry to the Hangeul Playground is possible after verifying the barcode , received when booking the reservation, at the entrance.

    • - The barcode will be sent to your verification method (mobile phone or email) upon reservation.
  • Please remove your shoes and store them in the lockers at the entrance of the Hangeul Playground.

  • Individual reservations are only available for families accompanied by children aged 8 and under (2nd grade and below).

  • Reservations are required for infants under 36 months as well.

  • Entry is permitted for people using wheelchairs and those with guide dogs for the visually impaired.

Notice or Important Information

  • Hangeul Playground is designed primarily for children aged 3 to 8.

  • When entering the Hangeul Playground, guardians must accompany children at each activity station to ensure no safety accidents occur.

    ※ Infants under 36 months require special attention from guardians.

  • Please ensure children wear socks and pants to prevent slipping on the carpeted floor.

  • Strollers are not allowed inside.

  • Food and drinks, including water, are not allowed inside.

  • Double-booking for the Hangeul Playground on the same day are not allowed.

  • Reservations (barcodes) cannot be transferred to others.

  • If you do not enter after making a reservation, your future access may be restricted.

  • Due to limited parking space at the museum, visitors are encouraged to use public transportation whenever possible.

Phone: 02-2124-6432

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